Doug's Weblog, the youth pastor at Berean Bible Church in New Orleans

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I had fun at youth group last night. If you were there, thanks for your courage to come and interact on a tough subject. Here is the link to's website. They have all kinds of great stuff from t-shirts to videos to a message board. Check it out.

Also, if you have some time and would like to hear their story (it is a great one). You can download an MP3 of them speaking at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI. You can even put the MP3 on your iPod (oh, yeah). Here is the church's sermon download page. Their message is all the way at the bottom.

Oh, and while your at it, listen to some of the other sermons. This is one of the most happening churches in America right now. Rob Bell is the man.


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