Doug's Weblog, the youth pastor at Berean Bible Church in New Orleans

Monday, February 13, 2006

religious prejudice

I read an article a while back by Philip Yancey. He is a Christian author and speaker who gets the opportunity to address all kinds of different groups...including university groups that usually aren't too friendly to evangelicals. He is often approached by university professors and others and gets asked something like, "How in the world can you associate yourself with evangelicals? They are so bigoted and narrow-minded!"

He responds by asking them a question.

"Do you know any evangelicals? I mean, do you know any personally?"

Usually the response is silence.

It's funny how easy it is to attack a straw man...a stereotype. Unfortunately, it looks like another writer has made the same mistake in this recent USA Today article.

It's kinda funny. He talks about stereotypes of American Christians...then talks about actually personally meeting some Christians in Italy...and how they are nothing like the stereotypes...but then concludes that American Christians are more like the steretype than the people he met!?

Sad. I hope that Rob Borsellino gets a chance to actually meet and get to know some Christians sometime soon.


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