Doug's Weblog, the youth pastor at Berean Bible Church in New Orleans

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

irony of all ironies

Tomorrow night we start the new series. It is titled, "SATURATED: God's take on our sex soaked society. Oh, and how ironic this Sunday afternoon was. For those who didn't have the privilege of being there, we went to Audubon Park for a picnic after church & small groups. Sunday was a beautiful day...lots of sun...a nice breeze that kept the temperature perfect. It was the greatest day in the history of the world to go to the park. By the way, this is about the only time of year that you can actually utter the words, "I love the weather in New Orleans," and not get laughed at.

Anyway, so we arrive at the park, (which is right across the street from Loyola and Tulane Universities, by the way...which will make sense in a minute.) and look for a spot to spread out our blankets. Clay and I are leading the pack. Clay, with icechest in hand, says to me, "Doug, where should we go?"

I reply, "Let's find a open area for football and fisbee...and a tree for shade..."

Clay looks around as finishes my statement, "...and let's not get too close to all of the sunbathers."

There were college girls sunbathing all around us. Lots of skin being shown...probably their first chance of the year. Needless to say, it made for an interesting afternoon. A bunch of teenagers and adults who have given their lives over to Jesus surrounded by people who obviously hold very different values than us.

So what did we do? Well, we ate our lunch, talked, laughed, relaxed in the sun and enjoyed a great game of flag football. Like I said, it was a great day, and we weren't about to let anyone spoil that for us.

What a great way to start this new series. The world we find ourselves in is one that doesn't share our values...especially when it comes to our sexuality. Followers of Jesus have to run against the current. What are we supposed to do about it? Don't get upset, enjoy life, and live out our lives for whoever is watching.

So if you are a teenager, I hope to see you tomorrow night. We meet at 7:30pm every Wednesday night to meet with God and hang out with each other. We are located in Algiers. We'd love for you to join us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of saturated, Kevin and I just watched "Supersize Me" last night and then we ate at McD's tonight. I wonder if we missed the point of the film?
By the way, we saw a lot of holes in Morgan's theory and process. For example, why did he have to have a sundae after every dinner? And why did it often look like he had 2 beverages? Also, his acting during the zombie/couch potato sequence won't be winning him any Oscars - It was a bit overdone.

6:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug, Hey do you record any of your messages? I would like to hear this. By the way cool web site!
Ben Burgess

10:15 AM


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