My Top Ten Jazz Fest Moments

Whew! It's Monday morning and our crazy Jazz Fest weekend is over! I don't know how else to explain it except to say that it was really hard and really fun at the same time. I actually feel pretty good today. I thought for sure I would be dead tired.
Anyway, here are my top ten moments:
10. Jacob literally followed people around saying, "You know you want one. I can see it in your eyes. You wanna buy one of these programs." It worked! He actually sold a ton with that strategy.
9. Some random guy walked up to me on Saturday and said, "Hey man. I just wanna let you know that you are doing a great job. You wanna beer? I'll buy you one." I politely declined.
8. Jon was a great model for our students of what it looks like to be a Christian in a secular marketplace.
7. Samantha, Corrie and Andrew worked the same booth most of the day Saturday. You put those three together on any project and you get this amazing mix that falls somewhere between genius and insanity. Needless to say, they did sell a ton of programs.
6. Brock called me Satuday afternoon. He was outside the park trying to find a parking spot. He informs me that he is a little scared to park his Jeep (with no top) just anywhere because of the two rifles that are laying in the back seat. (He had just come from the shooting range.) Yeah. That could be a slight problem?! Luckily, we figured out a way to meet up so that we could transfer the rifles to my van where they would be safely locked up.
5. Philip was the one and only student to work all three days. He's a monster.
4. Kev showed why he is the master salesman. His pitch went something like this: "It should be against the law but it's sell this program for only five dollars! Find out where to go! Find out when to go! AND put ten dollars worth of coupons back in your pocket! This isn't the magic booth! This is the program booth! But it must be magic that we can sell you this program for only five dollars!"
3. Seeing people's faces on Sunday night at church when I told them that we made about five or six thousand dollars this weekend.
2. Eating Crawfish Monica. Oh yeah.
1. Crystal and Sam working on Friday. Sam was in his stroller up in the booth. After watching everyone around him sell programs, he would hold up his kid's book and yell. It had to make you smile.
Crystal had random people take her picture just because she was pregnant...had a one-year-old kid...and still was selling programs. I love my wife.
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