Doug's Weblog, the youth pastor at Berean Bible Church in New Orleans

Thursday, May 04, 2006

"othercotting" Da Vinci Code

There is an article over at Christianity Today that is asking evangelicals to "othercott" the upcoming Da Vinci Code movie. It is a call for Christians to go to the theaters on opening weekend and to see another movie. He recommends the Dreamworks animated feature Over the Hedge.

I think that is an interesting and creative idea.


Blogger the blackwells said...

This one is a hard one for me because it was such a good read. I just read the CT article, and wasn't impressed with the author's take that you are interacting with the Devil when discussing this with unbelievers. I know the story is misguided in it's portrayal of history but is it sinful to see it? Maybe I'm a heretic.

I never end up seeing movies at the theater, so this is moot for me anyway.

p.s. If all good plots are based on conflict (man v man, man v nature, etc.), will there be any good stories after Christ's return and there is no conflict?

1:36 PM

Blogger Doug said...

Ben-ya-min (that is my Hebrew pronunciation),

I agree with you. That is not the part of the article that intrigues me. I have no problem with a Christian seeing this movie...especially for the entertainment value. While I must admit that I haven't read the book, I've heard that it is a good, well-written story.

The part of the article that I like is the concept of "othercotting" rather than "boycotting." It seems like Christians are always against everything rather than being for anything.

Also, I must admit, I guess I'm pushing against how hip it is right now to go see movies like Da Vinci Code so that you can win [debates with] friends and influence people['s relgious beliefs]. I think we are still too insecure that being a Christian isn't intellectually accepted and feel we always need to defend ourselves...even against a fictional story.

11:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, go see whatever movie you want, that's what normal people do.

5:52 PM

Blogger Doug said...

captain anonymous,

Thank you for enlightening us all with such a scintillating point. Your contribution has surely raised the collective IQ of our readership.

11:32 PM


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