Joel did a great job last night. It's always really cool to hear what God is teaching other people in their life. In case you were wondering, the verse on the screen was
Romans 12.1-2 from the Message paraphrase. The book by David Crowder that Joel talked about is called
Praise Habit. It is a great read that will both challenge you and make you laugh out loud (a very unique combination). I'm about two-thirds of the way through the book right now.
The thing that was most convicting for me about Joel's talk last night was the idea that we are
already worshippers, whether we realize it or not. The question is not
if you
worship, it's
what you worship. His talk begged the question, "What is on the throne of
my life?"
So I picture it in my mind...
my throne. What would it look like? Probably a nice, comfy chair, not a pristine, ornate, royal chair. I like chairs that look like they came from the thrift store. I used to have this great, comfy, yellow chair. It was hideous. My wife hated that chair. I loved it. Yeah, that's good. My old, yellow, comfy chair is my throne.
So I got my throne. So what is on it? If you look closely, you can see that the cushion is a little more worn in certain spots. It looks like there is something or someone who has sat in it more than anything else. It has started to take the form of it's primary
It's crazy how easy I can slip into an "all about me" view of life without even realizing it. Yeah, I know, I'm a couldn't be
that hard to get it right. Try being an accountant. Try going to public school. Try to make
that into Jesus worship.
Well, I have to admit, I often do ministry for the glory of
Doug. If I give a good talk, who looks good? me. If I'm there for a student when they need me, who gets thanked? me. If I plan, organize and execute an event well, who gets a pat on the back? me.
Every once in a while, things are the way they are supposed to be. God ends up in my yellow, comfy chair (I probably got up to get another cup of coffee), and I find myself face-to-face with the Creator of the Universe!
I can't help but fall down on my face before the throne and it's rightful occupant. In that moment, as few as they are, I get a glimpse of
glory. It's like the sky is ripped open and this whole universe is revealed. I bask in the worship of this King and the thought comes to mind, "This is what I was
made for. Everything in me cries out for this moment of greatness.
This is why I wanted to be a pastor."
In these moments, I become painfully aware of my smallness. I think back over the moments when I chose to sit in the comfy chair...and it just seems foolish. What was I thinking? How could I trivialize what it means to be a Christian...what it means to be a pastor...what it means to be
human? How ironic. In my quest to make myself great, I have made myself miniscule.
God, clear my head. Help me to see things the way they really are. Don't allow me to sit in Your Chair and dehumanize myself. Free me to be what I was created to be...a worshipper.
So, what's on
your throne? If you dare, post a comment, and let me know.