Doug's Weblog, the youth pastor at Berean Bible Church in New Orleans

Monday, May 22, 2006


You like watching baseball? I do. I have many fond memories of listening to Astros games on an old radio when I was a kid. I remember Barry Bonds in his prime with the Pirates. He won a couple of MVPs, hit for average, stole a ton of bases and, yes, could knock the ball out of the park.

I have to admit, I want Barry to be innocent. Maybe it is because I don't want to believe that the beloved national pastime can be marred by cheating on such a mass scale. Maybe it's because I believe that IF (this is totally hypothetical) Barry Bonds were somehow proven to be innocent...then he would be the greatest player ever to step up to the plate.

Anyway, if you are interested in the whole Barry Bonds situation like I am, then you will probably really enjoy this ESPN article. Apparently Patrick Hruby (the writer) did a bunch of reasearch to try to determine an approximate number of home runs that Barry would have hit without Steriods. Of course, it's not to be taken too's all guesswork. BUT, I think it proves the point that Barry Bonds would have still been one of the greatest players of all time without the drugs. And that, my friends, is a tragedy.


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