Hotel Rwanda

"I think if people see this footage, they'll say, 'Oh, my God, that's horrible.' And then they'll go on eating their dinners." -Jack (a British cameraman, played by Joaquin Phoenix)
Crystal and I rented Hotel Rwanda this weekend. It was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. I am a sucker for movies that make me wanna go out an try to change the world. This was one of those movies.
The above quote has been stuck in my head since Saturday night. It summarizes how the movie affected me. When my life is over, and I stand before God, will I be able to say that I genuinely made the world around me a better place?
Let me be totally honest for a sec...the church in America is selfish. We spend so much of our time and energy on ourselves. We could care less about the world around us...beyond adding converts like we are trying to earn a Boy Scout merit badge or something.
The really sad thing, is that I am part of the problem. I am a church leader that is more concerned with the people who are in my ministry than the people who are in need. I am more concerned with the healthy than the sick. I am a Pharisee. I am not a Jesus disciple.
And it seems to come down to this: what do I really believe? Do I really believe that following Jesus is the best kind of life? Do I really believe that Jesus is actually putting the world back together again? Do I really believe that He is supposed to use the church to do it?
If that is true, then my job is more important than the President of the United States. He can't really make the world a better place, I can make the world a better place. Check that...we can make the world a better place.
So let's get off our butts, put down our fork and knife and do something.

I have been wanting to see that, but I am always scared to watch movies that will make me sad. I know that's pathetic, but it's the truth. I will have to check it out soon. Hopefully it won't be as motivational to me as it was to you. That would be too much work :).
10:07 AM
Whatever it's worth, the movie made it's point without getting very graphic. When I think of, say, "Passion of the Christ" or "Saving Private Ryan," they wanted to make you uncomfortable by depicting what happened in a very graphic, violent way. "Hotel Rwanda" didn't take that approach, but it was still very effective.
I am like you, though, in that I need to prepare myself for a movie like this. Crystal was kinda ticked at me. I rented it at like 11pm at night and didn't warn her.
10:23 AM
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